Being Healthfull Scholarship

Annual 1K Nutritionist student scholarship

At Being Healthfull, we want to encourage undergraduate students who want to pursue holistic nutrition education as registered dietitians and nutritionists. We also understand that higher education is an increasingly expensive cost, with students struggling to get capped financial aid and make ends meet during school. Between tuition, books, school supplies, and general costs as a student, the cost of education to become a nutritionists can amount to 5 digit costs. In an effort to contribute to the education of future nutritionists and dietitians, we at Being Healthfull are pleased to offer an annual $1,000 scholarship to individuals who are currently attending 4 year college in the United States and have declared a nutrition or science major or are planning to in the near future.

Essay Topic

To apply, applicants must submit a 500 word response to the following essay prompt:

Americans diets are notoriously high in saturated fats, added sugars, sodium, and refined carbohydrates. Food habits start very early while children are young. What are two or three policies or programs that can be instituted in elementary schools that can help teach American children about good nutrition and healthy food habits?

Application Guidelines

Essays must be received by March 1, 2018 @ 11:59 PM PST. Please email your application to as an attached PDF.

Please include the following in your email application:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • University you are or will be attending
  • Current major, or major you plan on declaring

We look forward to reading your essay submissions and helping the winners with their education costs. We will contact the winner by April 2, 2018.

We look forward to reading your submissions and helping the winners meet their higher education costs. The winner of the Fall 2017 scholarship will be announced by March 15, 2018.